Fashion World

About Us

This brand was founded based on the characteristics of the rooster. The rooster is the most brave creature in the world. The rooster wakes up early no matter what the weather, cloudy or sunny, situations, or places. Roosters have no fear. A rooster will crow no matter what they’re going through. A rooster is always ready to go to battle if an intruder tries to come into his territory. They survive with whatever nature supplies them with, always walking with their head up and their toes to the ground. They’re willing to die for their offspring and colony, always in a positive and happy state of mind. They’re gentlemen when they find food; the rooster calls his mates and invites them to eat. They make unique sounds to alert everyone that there’s a predator lurking around in the sky. This brand is for everyone; everyone can identify with this brand if they went through the struggle growing up, some type of illness, and made it through because of their bravery and determination to live. You’ll identify with this brand; this brand is not limited to anyone, it was made for a certain class. This is for all doctors, people in the hood, farmers, anyone that identifies with the rooster’s characteristics. Also, this brand is for both genders, men & women, girls & boys, a brand that transmits good positive energy.

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